This evening, the monthly meeting of the Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament was held at Saint Augustine's, Pendlebury, just down the valley and up the other side from me. This month, the meeting took the form of a Requiem Mass for past members. Here is the Lady Chapel with the statue of Our Lady from Saint Benedict's, Ardwick firmly ensconced.

One of the good things that happened was that Arminal, from Saint Cuthbert's, Darwen was inducted as a new member. Here she is afterwards with Father Lee in front of the high altar.

Father Jeremy Sheehey, Team Rector of Swinton, which takes in Saint Augustine's, is seen here blessing Arminal's medal prior to giving it to her.

Father Jeremy censing the altar at the start of Mass. The tabernacle is still on the altar, in a very laudable move for the centrality of Our Lord, but in a bad move for the integrity of the reredos.

After Mass, faithful members wend their way home from the choir stalls. The Lourdes candle can be seen in the foreground. Tomorrow on Anglican Wanderings, some pretty terrible news about GAFCON, but first I have to check my final remaining facts.