In this Church surrounded by housing estates (and, to the delight of many visiting pilgrims, the finest Gelateria in all London) works Father Graeme Rowlands, Chaplain General of the Society of Mary and Parish Priest of Saint Silas. The Church offers liturgy done precisely, with Latin Mass on Saturday morning and plenty of devotions and activities. It is the closest that we get to the Brompton Oratory, save for the two factors of place and community, the Oratory is in a silk stockinged suburb and has a large team of Priests and Brothers looking after it.
In the picture above you can see Father Rowlands walking in front of the Bishop of Edmonton, a London Area Bishop during Saint Silas Day. I have to be honest, after visiting the Church I can say that the liturgy is not entirely to my taste, but it clearly resounds within the people who both live in the Parish, who are evident when you go and also the people who travel sometimes considerable distances to get there. I do not find bread and butter pudding to my taste, but have no intention of decrying it's popularity or tastiness, so I am glad of the hard work undertaken by Father Rowlands and the popularity of Saint Silas. In fact I would go as far as to say that if Saint Silas were to change and modernise, we would have lost a little part of ourselves as a corporate body of Anglo Catholics, individual and together.

I am not sure if it is a North South divide, but I have witnessed recently a remarkable resurgence in our community. Events are attended by Priests and People as never before in my memory or the memory of those longer in t'tooth than me. People are making the effort to come, we are attracting people from Churches which have, in the past, shared little sympathy with us, attracted by the clear teaching and answers (more importantly in our soundbite culture) on matters of faith and morals. I like to think that they are also attracted by our own humanity, that they feel more in common with us because we are hurting and fighting. It is the James Bond effect, people's mood has changed from wanting Roger Moore schmoozing his way through Swiss women and the Russkies to associating themselves with a hero, in Daniel Craig, who is himself trying to become whole by overcoming his own demons.
Modern day heroes are closer to those of Greek Myth, tormented souls who overcome insuperable odds to redeem themselves and those around them because God is on their side and they show that faith with their every action, exhausted and trampled down by the dunghills in the stable as they may be. Put simply, I have problems of my own, I am no perfect clone and don't the people of Saint Hilda's know that (!) but neither is anybody else, we share good and bad times but I never stop saying that which I believe, without fear or shame, wherever I may be. We are attracting new people because, I believe, we are becoming more coherent because we are in a corner and we have to think a little faster than we have become used to and to demonstrate what we believe a little better. This is a pattern I hear of in Churches throughout the North West.

In God, through whom strength is made perfect in weakness and by whom the meek and humble are made heirs to the Kingdom, may we raise our eyes to the morningstar and live for all His many, different children, of whom we are each but one. Amen.