Tuesday 11 March 2008

The Twelth Station, Jesus Dies on the Cross.

This is the stillest and also the busiest of the stations. On the face of it, it shows Jesus at the end of His journey, now dead and at an end. It was not true, nobody has been saved, he did not get rescued by God and here hangs just another dead prophet. I dare say that some of His disciples thought this, and who can blame them. Indeed, some time later when the Holy Ghost anoints the apostles with wind and fire, we find our brave heroes hiding in the upper room, for fear of the Jews. It is only with the Holy ghost that they are sent out equipped for service. This is why the 'Veni Sancte Spiritus' is sung at the ordination of Priests and the Bishop confers the Holy Ghost onto the candidates, to anoint with fire his foot soldiers.
Here, on our hill at the end of time, a man dies. As he dies, after looking to all around Him, He looks to himself and commends himself into His Fathers care. After he has breathed His last, the centurion forces his spear into His side and blood and clear water flow out, a sure sign of His fulfilling the prophecy that water will flow from the right side of the temple and all to whom that water comes will be saved. The Vidi Aquam that we sing at the Easter Vigil reminds us of that and defies anyone to baptise but by water and the Holy Spirit, one in three. Now, of course, Our Lord is descending into hell to loose the bounds of sin, for the day has been won, this is the glorious sign of victory, not the gibbet of defeat.
V. Spare us O Lord, spare thy people.
R. And be not angry with us forever.
Let us Pray.
It behoveth us to glory in the cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ, a sign which proveth to the world the remission of sin and the life everlasting. Amen.
Of your charity, pray for the souls of Clara and Shepherd Robinson, Alfred William Le Riche, Ena and Sidney Jefferson.