Friday 20 March 2009

Pause for Thought.

Drink deep of the chalice of grief and sorrow, held out to you by your dark angel of Gethsemane: the angel is not your enemy, the drink, though sharp, is nourishing,
by which you may come to a deeper peace than if you pass it by, a ‘health of opened heart’
From a slow accepting of our wounds, life within us begins to move outward, bitterness waning, compassion growing
True prayer is the source, the prayer that comes not from the mouth, but as from the lips of wounds.
We follow the only wounded God,
The one true Messiah who died so that we may be free.
Hidden in our prayer is both the crucified Christ and our fellow-sufferers,
those whom, in intercession and compassion, we need in order to be ourselves.

There is no higher aim than to reclaim another,
blinded by life’s pain, to help him see again.
Seek love in the pity of another’s woe,
In the gentle relief of another’s care,
In the darkness of night and the winter’s snow,
In the naked and outcast — seek love there.