Saturday, 24 January 2009

Peter Speaks, Will the Rector of La Reja Listen?

You know the news by now, everyone has it covered, especially DAMIAN THOMPSON, who has much to say in a number of well informed posts. The four Bishops of the SSPX have had their excommunications lifted and talks are due to commence - without the prerequisite of accepting the decisions of Vatican II, which will cause more of a stink than Williamsons views, I imagine. Now the talks can begin, we will see how long it is before Williamson forms an offshoot of the SSPX and schisms finally. Many SSPX priests have privately and publically said that they do not trust Rome - or have any belief in her being the Church of Christ anymore - will this stay as a publically expressed belief or not? Who knows, but two things are for sure, in the short term the Vatican press squad will be working overtime to combat negative publicity (Williamson preaches that 9/11 wa a goverment plot as well) and secondly, in the long term, the talks and their results will make for very, very interesting viewing. Watch this space!