Sunday 27 July 2008

17th Sunday in Ordinary.

A middling attendance for High Mass this morning, not bad considering it is the holiday season and next week is the garden party after Mass. I had a start when the first reading given was the one I am basing next week's sermon around, happily the reader had the wrong page and not me. Phew. I would have felt pretty foolish going on about coming to the waters if waters were not mentioned. I am waiting to be picked up for lunch by a dear parishioner and delivered back in time for Evensong and Benediction. A special hello today for the sisters at Rempstone who we prayed for at Mass. Hello as well to fans of gothic chasubles, this week you see one from my friend Pierre, from Belgium. It is the front and back embroidery of a latin chasuble mounted onto a gothic base. Talk about compromise!