Friday 23 May 2008

More From the May Devotions.

I wanted to shout out 'leeeeft wheeeel!' like the Regimental Sergeant Major used to do for us when cornering, but I refrained.

Father Warner can be seen with the gold stole on, close to the lamp post.

Attracted by the unusual sparks coming from Fr McEvitt's polyester lace rochet, the procession follows, entranced.

A close up of more friends of St Hilda's. I shouldn't expand it if I was you.

Our Lady finds herself in the back garden near the oil tank. Joy to thee O Queen of Heaven!

Here, courtesy of Father Philip Warner, Parish Priest of St Magnus Martyr in the centre of London by the Thames (see link at the side to the Church site), are some more pictures of the May Devotions. We are always glad to receive visitors at St Hilda's, whether from great Anglo Catholic shrines like St Magnus', or from more humble places, like Prestwich! We are also happy to have met another Anglican Wanderings reader.