Monday 14 January 2008

Georgian Splendour.

St John Street.

The East end of the Church.

From the door over the park to the Vicarage.

I live in Manchester, as most of you know. Manchester is world famous for the completeness of it's Victorian Architecture. It is a model of a Victorian industrialised city, from the mighty public buildings to the landscaping of the parks, to the old mills (now turned into flats), to the slums of the urban poor (now turned into desirable apartments!). Much of it is very fine although it is so complete, so much 'there' that it sometimes becomes invisible until you stumble upon the very occasional street of earlier architecture, namely St John Street in the City or the incredible Moon Grove to the South, but more on that another time. Wakefield, however, where I have just been, was not so wealthy a town in the Victorian age, so less was pulled down and rebuilt. One such survival is St Johns Street and Square, connecting the College to the Church. As I am a huge fan of Georgian buildings, I have taken some pictures which I hope give a sense of the space that this period was famous for, with wide streets and large public spaces.