This is the Lady Chapel at Saint Hilda's Church. Take a good look because next time you see it there will be new chairs. The two front pews you can see are in fact from the old Mission Chapel built on this site about a hundred and twenty years ago and were two of the last three we had until one collapsed under one of our Parishioners the other day. We have ordered sixteen new church chairs, stained the same colour as the war memorial and with blue fabric on the seats and backs to match the blue of the chapel. This will give us four rows of four chairs, with the two short pews at the back, plenty of seating for the average Daily Mass. We are also to begin having a monthly Requiem Mass at the Holy Souls Chapel, now that we have a lectern ordered, thanks to the kindness of one of our blog readers.

What is this on the door of Saint Hilda's? The notice to the right advertises the Stations of the Cross available in Lent, but on the left is a planning notice relating to the works soon to begin. The toilets are being ripped out and new Disabled access ones installed, the back corridor is to be repainted and decorated, the current kitchen facilities will go and new ones installed in the community room, which is itself being redecorated and refitted. Level access ramps are being installed to the whole Church , so the entire place is accessible to everyone, all the time. The oil heating system is also being converted to Gas and the community room and toilet are having a separate system installed so they will be warm all the time. We need to fined some way of having a separate Lady Chapel for daily Mass as well, so that it can be heated, but this is for another time. Much of this work is being done through the centenary account fund raising as well as grants from various sources, so after Holy Week we will be seeing some exciting changes taking place.