Saturday, 14 March 2009

A Day of Carpets.

This morning I was up with the birds and was putting my scruffy shoes on, eating a ham sandwich and getting in the car to go to Preston. I have spent the day pulling up carpets and taking them to the dump in Longridge and hammering down the nails and taking out the staples and rejoicing that when I threw the underlay out the cat wee had not permeated through the floorboards of what will be the Chapel staircase. Well, what would you do with the old servants quarters? That done, I returned home and went to the DIY warehouse to get some paint to touch up the main bedroom (or cover the damp patch, chacun a son gout) and now, having done this, I am off to take Marion to the house of Phyllis so that she can help her prepare for tonight's Parish Fundraiser. When I return I shall arrange the vestments in Church, say my prayers, sort out the music for tomorrow, put out sheets and then go home, wash my grubby hands and put on a clean shirt before joining the Fundraiser myself. I shall look forward to bed. Hence today I have no theological reflection for you, no nice pictures of the inside of Churches and no comment about vestments. What will Karen moan about?