Sunday, 8 February 2009

Guild of Servants of the Sanctuary Centenary Festival.

Here are some pictures from the Centenary Festival celebrations for the GSS Chapter of the Incarnate Word, held a St James Church, Malden, Surrey, courtesy of Craig Aburn. Principal Celebrant at the Mass was the Bishop of Fulham. The Warden, Fr J David Moore preached. In the afternoon, the Warden sang the Guild Office, and the Chapter Chaplain, Fr Christopher Noke, officiated at the Procession and Benediction. I have never been to this church, but it looks worth a visit. I am also impressed that so many people made it there under the bad weather conditions.

The GSS (Guild of Servants of the Sanctuary) is an Anglican guild which encourages care and reverence in the sanctuary and a regular prayer life. I have little experience of the GSS - like many societies it is better represented in some parts than in others - although I believe there used to be a group at Manchester Cathedral at one point. I am supportive of these groups though, when I was at school the celebrant would always say 'let us remember why we are here' before a period of silent prayer in the sacristy prior to beginning the Judica Me. A sense of reverence and calm is desirable in an altar party and a group fostering that is a welcome group indeed.

I imagine this must be Father Noke, processing in to Benediction with the other Sacred Ministers. The dalmatic and tunicle look well-made in the modern, light style. I wonder where they came from?

You can see Craig, the GSS's Master of Ceremonies and webmaster, in the centre of this picture.

A picture taken during the Guild Office.

Craig's son, John, extinguishing the candles at the end of the day.

Bishop John processes out after Mass.