Why am I showing you this, gentle reader? I meant to begin with another picture but the lottery of Blogger dictates that you get the toilet first. It is a new toilet and it marks the end of this current phase of developments at Saint Hilda's Church. We now have a building which is fully accessible to all, with ramps in the right places and a spanking new loo. I am very pleased that it was done just the day before I left so that I could have a good look around.
Bear with me today, because I will be moving house as you read this, I have written this and magically scheduled its publication for today. To get into the mood of moving house, spin round a lot, jump up and down until you are tired and then try to solve some algebra problems. Alternatively sit back and say 'thank goodness it's not me!'
Here you can see the newly decorated community room with new kitchen facilities including washing area, cupboards, work surfaces, fridge and oven/hob. The facility will not only make our own catering able to go up a notch or change a bit if they wish, but also allow outside groups to rent the back part of Church for their own uses.
It also makes what was a slightly grubby community room into a really good meeting place for us as well, for prayer groups, courses, faith suppers, goodness me, the list is endless although I do not have to think about this, as I was saying to Churchwarden Ken yesterday afternoon, because by the time you read this, I will be gone!