Saturday 28 February 2009

Saint Catherine's Burnley, Lenten Devotions.

I have spent some of the day today in Burnley at Saint Catherine's Church. Saint Catherine's is that model of a successful Anglo Catholic Church with two daily Masses, a busy children's ministry, a good congregation and well maintained buildings. Father Roger Parker, the Parish Priest, welcomed the Society of Mary for a Lenten Devotion day, with talks, Mass, stations, confessions, lunch and Benediction. The turnout was excellent, a full Church and twenty or so kids as well.

Apart from starring Canon Peter McEvitt, this picture shows the fine effect given by the different colour brickwork in the East wall as well, drawing ones eye to the colourful wrought iron baldacchio, the likes of which I have rarely seen before, in fact only once, at a Church in Langley near Macclesfield. The sanctuary is marked out with more painted iron as well, dividing off the Lady Chapel and the corridor to the sacristy on the other side. The well thought out lighting illumines the warm brickwork as well as casting less light downwards, into the altogether plainer nave.

The Church is full of fine pieces, this is one of my favourite sacred heart statues, beckoning out as well as pointing at His heart. There is excellent stained glass as well, but my camera does not pick that up well. I had to leave after the first address and Mass, missing lunch and the rest of the afternoon but look forward to coming to Saint Catherine's for their patronal festival this year.

And a fine statue of Our Lady by a magnificent window.

This gives a better view of some of the painted ironwork which, like the Church, is immaculately kept.

A picture showing the Church before the lights were turned on. The vaulting is very peculiar, leading you to think the Church is squatter than it looks from the outside, probably to support the surprisingly flat roof.