Friend of Anglican Wanderings, Father Christopher Stainbrook, Vicar of Saint Timothy's, Fort Worth, Texas, sends these pictures of his High Mass for All Souls. One of the interesting things we can see are the traditional altar cards, signifying that this is a Mass according to the English Missal (or the 1962 revision of the misleadingly named 'Tridentine' or Extraordinary Rite of the Roman Catholic Church), and the subsequent absence of the humeral veil from the shoulders of the Subdeacon. In certain uses (particularly in Lyon) the Subdeacon would take the thurible at the beginning of the Canon and kneel to the epistle side of the altar, local uses being interesting that way. I have, though, seen celebrations of the 'old' Mass which have used a black humeral veil in this way, which begs the question, 'where did they get it from?'

This picture shows the recitation of the Last Gospel (Prologue of John) before the Subdeacon takes the cross and stands at the end of the catafalque in between the two acolytes as the 'Libera me, Domine' begins and the catafalque is censed and lustrated with holy water. Here, you see the Celebrant has already taken the cope and the Sacred Ministers have removed their maniples in preparation for the next part of the rite.

Here you see the chanting of the Epistle. One of the liturgical books which I would love to have is the book of Epistles and Gospels for use in the English Missal rite, but they are as rare as hen's teeth. I was lucky to pick up a processional book of the Gospels for the BCP rite, which occupies a happy position on my bookshelves in Holmfirth a few months back. It is always a pleasure looking at pictures of the Mass at Saint Timothy's, so thank you for these.

This Sunday evening, at 6pm, will be the High Mass for Saint Hilda here in Prestwich. Everyone is very welcome to come and remain with us for the buffet afterwards. Now that we have a more adaptable nave we will not have the rush for seats we normally experience as we can bring more benches into the back. If we are full, though, all the better! The usual understated simple religion of Prestwich is to be expected.