Father John Livesley, curate of the FinF Swinton team ministry and friend of Anglican Wanderings lighting a candle by Saint Hilda's shrine after Mass. Fr John sung the Mass last night, after Deaconing it last year, which showed some continuity.

Ken Savage, Churchwarden and Candlesnuffer, extinguishes the candles after Mass. Of course, as usual the pictures are in reverse order because I know not how to work the device in any other way.

Communion is offered to the faithful after the concelebrating clergy have returned to their enclosure. Concelebration! In Saint Hildas!

The Altar and gifts are censed before the Preface. You can see Chris Lawton, our MC to the right of the altar.

The Gospel is proclaimed from the centre of the Church. Alas you cannot see any pictures of the processions in or out, as Ken our photographer was carrying the processional cross. How has this one come about then, as the cross is to be seen here? We had four acolytes in and out, followed by the processional banner, but just two acolytes for the Gospel, so acolyte A from team B became the crucifer for the Gospel, allowing Ken to bolster up the choir singing the Alleluia. Acolyte A from team B is a small boy, so the processional cross proved too heavy for him, so you see this one, the Lenten crucifix, being used, without the festal hangings on the main processional cross. Confused? Probably not, such things are common fare for Anglo Catholics!

Meanwhile, in the concelebrants enclosure, Father Cooke, on the far left, was preparing to deliver his sermon. Father Norman Price, our associate Priest, you will see on the far right, he is feeling much better after his operation. Canon Peter, Father Mark and Canon Paul you can see in the centre of the middle row, who all offer a great amount of help to Saint Hilda's on a day to day basis. You may be surprised by these pictures of Gothic vestments in Saint Hilda's, but do not be too alarmed, for we may well use our monastic High Mass set this Sunday. Canon Peter can be seen looking down, temporarily blinded by the fabric of his chasuble.

I am not entirely sure what is going on here, I think the acolytes may have appeared too soon.

We prepare to cense the altar at the beginning of Mass. The acolytes stay in position until we descend to the lower sedilia. Goodness me, it's all rather complex, isn't it Gill?

Saint Hilda before Mass. You can see one of the many buffet tables behind which were, by seven o'clock, groaning with foods. Everyone stayed after Mass for a good long time enjoying a chat and a (vast amount) of wine. One by product of the last Synod is that we have come together far more as a community of Orthodox Christians, supporting one another and attending events more regularly. The proliferation of blogs, keeping each other informed about what is happening around the country is also of great value, communicating in ways which seemed impossible a few years ago. Father Jones in London Docks has a brilliant article about all the Anglo Catholic blogs on his blog, which is always worth a read.