Monday, 6 October 2008

Not Only, But Also.

Thanks to Roger, regular Wanderer, for this link which is most interesting. Rumour has been circulating for some time about Bishop Nigel's unhappiness with the events in Synod, particularly his belief that the house had not the will to properly look at his 'Manchester Report'. Bishop Nicholas Reade has also weighed in, challenging the sagacity of the synodical process as it now stands. This is all good news and exactly what we have been hoping for. It is no secret that the senior Diocesans are generally unhappy about the events of this Summer, no matter how they may have voted so this seems to be a positive step and further evidence that things are, at long last, moving.

I am bursting to tell you good news of a Diocesan appointment, but you will have to wait, like everybody else! And of course, we may be misled!