Monday 5 May 2008

Public Holidays.

Ramsbottom Village Station.

The station again.

A goat having just, I assume, had an operation.

The inter goat football match took some time.

I have spent the public holiday this weekend at various, slightly surprising places. After Father Lee left my house on Sunday and I had recovered sufficiently, filled with the spirit of something, I went to the Conservative Club for a drink. Some time later, realising what I was doing, I left for the Church Inn. Today was spent starting to prepare the garden for Summer, planting, pruning and weeding, as well as a trip to Ramsbottom. Ramsbottom means 'valley of the wild garlic' from Ramson, the local old name for the wild garlic plant with highly flavoured leaves peculiar to this area. There is a steam train line running through the village and there are also goats in the hills, I discovered, whilst taking a walk. Normal service resumes tomorrow, the last Tuesday in Eastertide. This Sunday is, of course, Pentecost, the red vestments will be out and the Paschal Candle will be moved to the back of the Church after Mass. Usually, with a more traditionally late Easter, it is still in the sanctuary for the May Devotions, thus necessitating the little known rubric that involves extinguishing it after processions if Benediction is to immediately follow. A distinguished member of the Latin Mass Society, who graced us with his presence last year (and kindly provided more sheets for this year) was most taken with our attention to detail! In the Old Rite, however, the Paschal Candle was taken to the Baptistry after the Proclamation of the Gospel by the Deacon on Ascension Day. When that happy day still existed. Presumably the yearly spilling of wax onto the best High Mass set changed this rubric rather than any liturgical issues. Anyway, enough of that or you will all start complaining that I am a fusty trad again. I will go and polish my tambourine.