Red Chasuble and Monstrance.
The Krakow Ornat, one of the finest pieces of needlework in the world.
Before I start posting about the many Baroque Churches in Krakow, which i will try and spread out over a couple of weeks, so as not to lead to Baroqueitis, here are some pictures from the Archdiocesan museum. You will know if you have Baroqueitis by two main signs, firstly, you will start growing long hair and your limbs will begin a gilding process, although advanced cases find an insatiable urge to balance, cherub like, from tall buildings and altars, smiling and covering their genitalia with gold cloths. The only cure is to attend Mass every Sunday in a concrete, modern Church. Priests who catch this disease must wear albs that do not fit them and cheap, unlined polyester chasubles until the signs have gone. That would explain why Polish priests wear them anyway..... apart from in St Mary's Basilica, happily, where the full Baroque experience can be found, right down to such magnificant period detailing as aged priests peering out of confessionals with their birettas on, sporting perfect aquiline noses.