This monument at St Anny's was the architectural highlight of my journey.
The High Altar.
The Dominican's cloister.
This is the last post in the Krakow series because you will be sick of pictures of Baroque Churches and I am sick of putting them up! It only remains for me to say that it was a wonderful break but reminded me how much I like dirty, overcrowded, rude England. I am away on a conference this weekend and will post about it when I get back. Pray for Simon who has returned from his selection conference and for Anglican Wanderings reader Craig who was at selection at the same time as Simon, albeit at Shallowford House as opposed to Ely. Pray as well for another Anglican Wanderings reader, Royston, who tells me that his meeting with his Vocations Adviser went well and he will now progress to the next stage of the journey. You may also have noticed that Father Lee is now back on the happy Anglican Wanderings ship which is sailing, of course, in an Easterly direction, as Faith and Culture have since the beginning to the present day. Counter cultural? That depends how well you know your own heritage!