The Church from behind the Altar.
For most Anglo-Catholics, the name 'Mirfield' means just one thing and that is the College of the Resurrection. It is, in fact, for those of ur readership unfamiliar with this Country, a small town in an unattractive part of Yorkshire, near Leeds. There is a road in and a road out and a supermarket. Enough of Mirfield. On top of the hill is the Church of the Resurrection, a monolithic structure, attached to which is the Community of the Resurrection, a monastic order for men as well as a retreat house which is heavily used. The Community also have a retreat house at Hemingford Grey in the south of England. Generations of Anglo Catholics who attended a London University will mourn the passing of their gracious and hospitable house in Covent Garden. The Community also host a Seminary, which is part of the life of the whole campus as well as a resource centre, libraries and other related academic activities. Anyhow, I was staying at the retreat house this weekend for a conference on the relation between modern advances in physics and the Church and I thought I might take some pictures of the inside of the Church for you. On saturday night we joined the Community for the Vigil of the Resurrection which was sung to the background of muffled voices coming from the Lower Church, in the basement of this great building where the Orthodox Parish who use the building were celebrating Easter.
There are also some fine grounds here, but the near incessant rain kept them all but off limits, but I am a fairly frequent visitor so there will be opportunities for such pictures another time.